Happy Feet 2 | Full Movie - Cam

Language: English | Genres: Comedy | Subtitle: None

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The animated sequel returns audiences to Antarctica, reuniting us with the world's most famous tap-dancing penguin, Mumble (Elijah Wood), the love of his life, Gloria (Alecia Moore {Pink}) and their old friends Ramon and Lovelace (Robin Williams). Mumble and Gloria now have a son of their own, Erik (Elizabeth Daily), who is struggling to find his own particular talents in the Emperor Penguin world. But new dangers are threatening the penguin nation, and it's going to take everyone working-and dancing-together to save them.


  1. kenapa cte ni xleh download ? gone ?

  2. sorry download movie sedang mengemaskini..harap maklum!

  3. xleh langsung ke o nt akan update balik ?

  4. lmbat sikit la..sorry atas semua nie k..klu nk cepat sila download n cari kat toturial untuk melakukan subtitle..Admin tengah sibuk sikit dengan program GSC buat masa sekarang nie..sorry yer..Jangan Marah..

  5. baiklah . thanks admin . its ok then :)


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